Sunday, March 4, 2007

Bed Hopping

I have no less than four beds in my master bedroom, only one of which is made for humans (although, the one bed I MADE for the boys is rather long and could reasonably be used by a human, it was intended for the boys).

One is cubbied in between the bed and a window. Another is in front of a window but more out in the open. The third is cubbied between the bed and the other wall (I'd put a bed there because Max likes to sleep there when the weather is bad or he's a bit uncomfortable).

None of them were intended for any specific dog (unlike their dog bowls which are, kind of) but it's funny how it works each night. Each night as we go to bed, the first dog in the room takes the cubbied bed by the window. The next dog in takes the uncubbied bed by the window and the third dog, after a long-suffering sigh, takes the cubbied, windowless bed. Which dog initially gets which bed varies nightly. What's funny is that, regardless of how the night started out, when I wake in the morning - without fail - the dogs sleep in this way...

Brewsky has the cubbied bed by the window. Harley has the uncubbied window bed. And Max has the cubbied, windowless bed. Without fail.

I'm sure it's the location of the bed they covet and not the actual bed because two mostly identical (if you don't count the Harley damage to "Brewsky's" bed). But it would be interesting to find out. Maybe I'll move their beds around and see what happens.

If that goes well, I'll move around their bowls. All in the name of science and research, of course. LOL

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