Monday, March 12, 2007

My baby is NOT fat!

I took Brewsky to the vet today. All he needed was his toe nails clipped (but he needed that bad!) and his anal glands expressed - he isn't sick or anything, and it's not shot time for another month.

Anyway, I recently made the decision to change vets. I'm not unhappy with the one I've been going to but he's so far away. It takes a good 30 - 45 minutes to drive to his office, if there's no traffic. So I decided to try one that a friend of mine - who I trust completely when it comes to pet decisions - uses.

I wasn't all that impressed. She (nor her staff) could keep his name straight. They kept calling him Harley. Why, I have no idea. This was our first visit and Brewsky had an appointment. Seemed like a no brainer to me, but what do I know?

She also mentioned that he needed to lose a couple of pounds. While I agree it wouldn't hurt, nobody likes to be hear someone else say their baby is fat. We discussed what I feed my dogs (although I forgot to mention the canned dog food) and she said the extra calories would be coming from the milkbone dog biscuits I give them (Max is overweight too).

I give them the large dog (because they are large dogs) milkbone treats. She said I needed to bump them down to the small dog treats - no more than two per day - until they lose the weight.

They have two of the large treats before I leave for work every morning and she wants me to cut them back to two small ones - per day!

Something tells me that before this is all over, Harley won't be the only one feeding on the furniture.


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